Choosing to Choose

This is an awesome version of the Hades and Persephone myth by Irena. It captures a totally new perspective from Persephone! Hope you all enjoy as I did. ❤


For as long as I can remember, I felt his dark eyes following me. I don’t know why I say dark, because they were pale blue and icy, but it is how they seemed to me.

His presence enveloped me every time I danced in the meadows with the others. I don’t know why we did that. It seemed as if we were having fun, but it wasn’t the reason we were doing it. We were supposed to dance, and we were expected to admire the colourful flowers. It wasn’t dancing, it was only living. We could be nothing else but happy and pretty. And even though I had often heard that I was the prettiest of them all, I never saw it. We all had flowy dresses and flowers in our hair. We were all beautiful. We all looked the same.

One day, we felt the ground shake underneath…

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Paraphrase a Myth: Hades and Persephone

Welcome to the first post of my new blog! I am so glad you made it. 🙂

I have decided to begin with a story from Greek mythology. If you make it to the end of this post or read my “About” section, you will see how my blog got its name and what I hope to do here.

But for now…

The story of Hades and Persephone has it all. Continue reading Paraphrase a Myth: Hades and Persephone